Thursday, October 8, 2009


Everyday me and Caden have 30 minutes of time that is just me and him! It's one of my favorite times of the day. I usually don't plan what we will do in those thirty minutes because I like to follow his interest and his interests change frequently! Lately it has been glue. Caden is not very artistic but he does like the mechanics of art... does that make since? Here is one project we did recently. I wrote out Caden's name while he cut thin strips of paper into tiny pieces. He traced his name with the glue and then put all of the bits of paper on the glue. He enjoyed all of it until it was time to put the papers on the glue. He just wasn't that interested in that part but he loved the steps leading up to that point.


  1. I was just making my christmas/birthday lists and need some advice. Son #1 will be 3 and son #2 will be 16months at Christmas. I want to mostly get them learning toys or books. I would LOVE, LOve, LoVe you to do a post or just email what you think some of the "must-have" gifts would be. Thanks
    crystalboom at hotmail dot com

  2. I like this idea - we'll have to try it. Crumpet is a big fan of glue also!

  3. Thanks for the great ideas! I have a friend who just had her 3rd child and is trying to figure out how to have alone time with each of them. Do you accomplish that, and if so how?
    Thanks again!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A fun and creative way to practise writing your name. My little girl loves gluing and I think she would enjoy this activity.

  6. Hi,

    I am a fellow homeschooler and just started a blog of my own too. This is a great idea for early writing practice, we will have to try it as well! Love your blog!


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