Monday, October 12, 2009

Counting Mats

We have been using our counting mats about once or twice a week. I love that all I have to do is put out a new counter and he is excited all over again. I was thinking of getting some seasonal counters like spiders, pumpkins or holiday erasers?? I'm going to have to search the dollar store:)


  1. I am your 100th follower. :) I have two little boys and I am always looking for activities to keep there little minds busy. Looks like you have great ideas! I am considering homeschooling as well.

  2. I love these too - M loves them best when the manipulative is candy. Go figure... :)

  3. I just found your blog as I was searching for activities/crafts to do with my 2 1/2 year old. It is a LONG winter here in MN. Can you tell me what a counting mat is. I see from your photo but can you explain the purpose? I guess I don't "get it". Probably to obvious! ;)

    sboeckmann at gmail


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