Friday, October 30, 2009

Box Fun!

We bought a new bed and the boys are having so much fun with the box!! I'm sure we will think of things to do with it for days!


  1. I'm so excited to find your blog Sam! I saw all your work zones. I can't wait to do that with Sarah, put all that ASU West CDC experience to use. ;) Looks like you are my go to source for tips, lessons and ideas. :)

  2. So much fun! Boxes are some of the BEST toys! :)

  3. one of my favorite books as a kid was- Christina Katerina and the Box by Patricia Lee Gauch. It's all about a big box that she uses and reuses and reuses until nothing is left of it and it's time to find a new box. So much fun!
    Thanks for all your ideas and inspiration. I have two boys, 3 and 9 months and 18 months old, and your activities are perfect for them!

  4. What fun! Makes me want to buy something big-- just for the box. :)

  5. What fun! I totally remember playing in a TV box when I was a kid. I am sure they will remember what fun they had with their box when they get older!:)


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