Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What's Out Wednesday!

Caden has been playing Reading Blaster. It came with Jumpstart Preschool that I got for Caden at Costco. It was a bonus and it is meant for 4-6 years old but Caden loves it!
Sensory Tub
Colored rice with home mad funnel and milk Jug. I adapted this idea from The Wonder Years
Table Toys
Memory Matching Game, Little Pom Poms in Bacos Container, Large Wooden Lacing Blocks, Puzzles, Play Doh with Rollers and Extra Trays.
Floor Toys (block area)
Pretend Sandwich(very popular with Drake), Walkie Talkies, Fire Truck, Antique Tractor Set, Small Wooden Blocks, Dinosaurs (another Drake Fav!)
I didn't post about these wagons last time but they are always out. These are by far the boy's favorite things. All through out the day they are hauling things around in them. I love when they each stuff their blankets in them, So Sweet. The older one is Caden's but they fought over it so much that we just had to get Drake one:)


  1. Everything looks so orderly and inviting at your house! I love reading about the things you set out for the boys to play with - thanks for sharing!

  2. I love your blog, it's so informative. I have a question about your laminator, I think that you said that you have one. What brand do you have and how do you like it?

  3. This gives me inspiration to organize all my son's toys and games! I love that you have a container of pom-pom's. My son calls them "fluffies" and he plays with them as if they were little creatures. A big bag is under $5 at the craft store. And he loves sorting them by color and by size.


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