Thursday, September 17, 2009


We made scented play dough for the first time and we Love it!!
We had a lot of fun making it together and here is the recipe we used.

1 c. flour

1/2 c. salt
2 Tbls Cream of Tartar

1 Packet of Koolaid

1c. boiling water

1 Tbls Oil

Mix Dry, add wet, cook on medium heat in a pan until it firms up into a ball. Let cool. Knead and play!!!

It was so therapeutic to kneed the warm dough and it smelled of sweet cherry! We will definitely be making this again!


  1. Looks fun! We will have to try! Thanks for the recipe!

  2. I just made my first ever batch of playdough and I scented it too. I posted about it on my very new blog there must have been a playdough vibe in the air for bloggers all across the world! Ours was cinnamon scented, glitter green playdough. It was fun to make, but so far I have enjoyed it more than Little Guy!

  3. I love making homemade play-doh - and I like the idea of scenting it (and coloring it) with koolaid. Thanks for the recipe!


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