Friday, September 25, 2009

Bean Pool!

So I was browsing my local grocery store summer clearance section and I found this pool for a 1.50!! Normally 8.99! I snagged it knowing I couldn't use it as a pool with water yet but figured I would think of something or save it till next year. So we were playing in the sensory tub and I wanted to do something fun with the boys so I blew it up and we dumped the tub into the pool. Me and the boys spent the rest of the morning playing in the beans (like an hour and a half!!). There were also river stones which were fun to fish out and collect.


  1. That's awesome. How fun. Ok so how did you clean it up?

  2. So fun!! I remember the Frog Princess played in a huge sandbox filled with corn and another filled with beans in the 4H tent at a state fair when she was three. She was in heaven!!!
    I used to do this with cornstarch packing peanuts in our blow up pool on cold winter days in our basement when she was small.

  3. What fun! My kids would love that! Thanks for sharing!


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