Thursday, September 10, 2009

Art "Area"

At our pre-school we had an art area. As much as I would love to have an art area right now it is just not possible with my boys. Instead I've made up a couple of baskets that I got at the dollar store and they are up on a shelf where the boys can't reach. When they ask to color(like never!) or I suggest it, I grab down the drawing basket and two sheets of paper and they go to it. We also have a Dry erase basket, a GlueScissorTape bassket, and a special interest basket that includes water colors and window crayons. More on those later.


  1. My son never asks to color, either. Even when I suggest it (or even color myself) he still balks. However, because he's 5 I've put the art supplies within reach. Sometimes he surprises me with his initiative with art...but not coloring. :)

  2. Coloring (with crayons) is not a big deal for my son either. I leave some blank papers out (as well as one coloring book of tractors - I'm not big on coloring books at this age, but that's neither here nor there right now) and his crayons in our living room. I am completely ok with him using them (which is rarely) because he has learned his lesson about coloring on anything other than paper. ;) And, I feel ok with it because of the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, lol, which is a lifesaver when it comes to crayons. Great post - it sounds like you are doing a great job! We have a very tiny house and have to just make do too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great idea! What is it w/boys who have to be MADE to color with crayons!??! My two are often the same way, although the oldest is starting to warm up to it. :) He's six.
    My boys do like to paint, though, and get pretty excited about water colors, finger paint, and my acrylics. :)

  4. I've been "lurking" around to different blogs, looking for ideas for a quiet book for my son. I love some of the ideas you've put in yours, but I can't seem to find the complete book in one place. Could you email me the ideas or some information on the book? pepper dot p dot pond at gmail dot com.

    Thank you!!


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