Tuesday, August 25, 2009

"Work Books"

Just a little warning to this post. My boys are still really young so I only use the "work books" when it is their idea and they really want to work on them. So far they have asked several times but if they lose interest then that is fine with me.
I bought book from Costco and I really like it. Some of the things in it Caden really enjoys and other things are a bit out of his reach. Because I don't want to have to buy another book for Drake when he is ready for it I came up with "Work Books".

I bought two of these folders. I knew when Drake saw Caden's that he would want one too so I got him one. We decorated them with stickers!!

I filled each of their books with page protectors and then inserted only the pages that I thought would be good for them. Caden's has colors right now and Drake has letters and numbers.

The boys use dry erase markers to complete the activities. Or in Drake's case scribble and flip the pages. It's great because they can do them over and over!


  1. I have the same workbook and I use it the same way. My daughter loves it. I don't sit down with her and teach her from it, but she does go and get it from time to time on her own and asks me questions about some of the items:)

  2. Oh man - I REALLY like this idea. What a brilliant way to use a book for more than one child...I am going to start buying up dry erase on sale :)

  3. This is a great idea!! I already use transparencies for our Math workbook (non-removable pages), but I love this idea for tear out pages! I wish I'd have thought of it two years ago! :o)


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