Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reading Corner

We are in a new apartment now while we wait to hear about our house and the apartment has a ton of space compared to the one bedroom we were staying in at my Dad's house. With all the space now I can finally have a reading corner! And even better... The boys love it! Yesterday I heard Caden say " Come on Drakey, let's go read!" and they both went to the reading corner to read together. Those are the moments that keep me sane and help me remember that it is all worth it:)
Caden's 1 shoe:) lol


  1. I want to make a reading corner too. Where did you get those little chairs from? The only one's I have been able to find so far are the ubber expensive Pottery Barn Kids chairs.

  2. What a sweet picture! I love it when my boys show some brotherly love to each other too.


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