Monday, August 31, 2009

Giraffes, Elephants and...Doughnuts?

I followed this tutorial to make the Giraffes and then i thought it would be fun to make a little doughnut following the same idea as the Giraffe. The only thing I changed was the body. I made the head point out instead of arching down. I also made the body a little thicker from top to bottom, I just thought it looked better. I made the pink polka dot one for a friend who is having a girl and they turned out so cute that I just had to make a set for Jack!

This is Jack's Giraffe and he LOVES it. He holds it around it's skinny little neck and chews on it till it is soaked in slobber(He's cutting his first tooth:)
I couldn't stop there now could I... The Giraffe needed a friend! Enter, Mr. Elephant! Isn't he cute! Jack love the ears and this was so easy to make!


  1. For those of us who are sewing challenged but still enjoy projects, would you mind posting a similar tutorial for the 0 and the elephant? SO CUTE!!!

  2. Those are great! My son, 8 months old, loves tags. I wanted to make him a taggie blanket, but these are cuter. The giraffe's neck looks great to hold on to. I've never sewed before and I don't have a sewing machine, but my mother-in-law does. Hopefully I can get one done before he's out of the tag fascination stage! Thanks for the link to the tutorial.

  3. So cute! I love giraffes, but my sewing is on the "needs help" side.

  4. Oh, these are adorable! I love that he is slobbering all over it too - so sweet! And I think the donut to go around the giraffe's neck is great too!

  5. How in the world do you have time to do stuff like this? Do you stay up late or do you do it when the kids are around you?

    You are amazing! I love sewing and have lots of projects (mostly from you) on hold cause I am busy with an almost 4 year old, and almost 2 year old and am 7 months pregnant!

    I'd love to know how you schedule your day!


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