Monday, August 31, 2009

The Doughnut

I had a request for a Doughnut and Elephant tutorial. I just made Jack's matching doughnut and I took pictures as I went along.

1. Trace out a pattern on to you fabric on the wrong side. I used two lids that were about 2 and 6 inches. If you want a fatter doughnut make the outer circle bigger and if you want a thinner doughnut make the inner circle bigger.
2. Pin and Cut
3. Cut your ribbons. I did 2in ribbons but you can decide if you want them longer. I used 12 ribbons for mine but if your ribbon is thicker or you want less or more then just lay them out till they look nice.

4. Fold the ribbons in half and pin them in place.

Your pin should look like this... that when you are sewing you can pull them out easily as you go along.
5. Sew all the way around the outside.
6. Turn it right side out and sew the inner circle all the way leaving an inch or so for stuffing.
7. Stuff it and hand sew the opening shut. A chopstick is great for stuffing in to tight places:)
And there you have it! I think it would look really cute if you took yarn or embroidery thread and sewed the inside of the circle. I plan on doing that with this one but I need to go get some that matches:)


  1. I'm going to give this a try today. I'm so excited! Your tutorial made it less scary for me. =)Thanks!


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