Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Baby Food!

I'm sure most of you Mommies out there already have a baby food system worked out but just in case there are a few that don't, I thought I would post about how I do it:)

About a month before Jack started solid I started looking for fruits and Veggies that were on major sales. I would buy a big bag and prepare them according to this sites directions. I then put them in the freezer in ice cube trays. When they are frozen I put them in bags and write the the name of the food and the Date that made it. Some foods I only fill the ice cube half because I use them as add ins, like blueberry and broccoli.

Here are some of the reasons I like doing it this way.
  • I can prepare just a little bit at a time if needed
  • I can make fun combos...ie (jack's fave is 2 peach cubes, 1 blueberry and a little oatmeal)
  • Saves me so much money
  • Saves me time
  • less packaging so it helps conserve
  • It makes me feel good knowing exactly what is in his food
And Jack is happy too!!!


  1. LOL! It is so cool to see others doing the same things across the country/world:) I did this with my kids too, and I would tell my husband "one green, one orange, one meat cube " for lunch and so on!
    Good job, mom!Awesome idea :)

  2. I did that too and was really happy with how easy it was! I would pull out the cubes the night before and let them thaw out in a gerber bowl with a lid in the fridge and then heat it up when it was time or eat it at room temp if we were out and about. I never tried to combine any though. Very fancy! I'm going to try that next time! =)

  3. This brings back memories from when my little man was a baby! His favorite was peach + pear + blueberry!

  4. Wow, he is already old enough for baby food? Seems like yesterday he was a newborn. He is absolutely adorable.


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