Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Spooning Marbles

My dad gave me these foam packaging things and I used them to have the boy spoon dollar store marbles in to. I gave them 1/4 teaspoons to scoop with. Caden was very engaged at focused at the task and Drake loved it but used his fingers for the most part. This activity was more for Caden but Drake wants to do everything that Caden does so I've learned to just let and watch very closely!


  1. Where did you get this table the boys are using? I would love to get a similar one for my son to use as he gets older (he is currently almost 10 months and we are expecting another baby as well). Since his birthday is coming up I have been looking online for one similar to this, since family will want to know what to get him, and I can't quite seem to find one that I really like.


    Amy W.

  2. Love the idea of using foam as marble holders! Wonderful!


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