Friday, July 10, 2009

Organizing Clothes in a Small Space!

I've had this dresser since I was a teenager (not that long ago, I'm 23). You might already know that me and my little family are all living in one room right now. Space is tight so I've had to find ways to compact things. This dresser is a lot smaller then a big wooden one. I also put labels on the front so that the boys can put their clothes away themselves eventually. Caden does a great job with putting his clothes in the right drawers and Drake wants to do it himself sooooo badly. I love his desire to help out and do things for himself. I take out his drawers and put them on the bed so that I can help him sort his clean clothes into them. He loves it.


  1. I love organization ideas! I have picture labels like those on RockerTot's toy bins so that he can put them away properly. I hadn't thought of doing it for his clothes.

  2. That's such a great idea. I'm trying to get my 20 month old to start helping with putting her clothes away. Right now they're all on shelves but I think containers would be much more appealing. I love the little pictures!


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