Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Counting Cards

Ever since we did this, I have been wanting to make some counting cards that were permanent but I didn't want to laminate because that would be a little to expensive for me. SO I've had this pack of craft foam from the dollar store for a while and decided to use it to make these...
They are about the size of a half sheet of paper and I just used a sharpie to draw them. I also wrote the written word of the number for later down the road. Here is a picture of Caden using our cool stones as counters. I'm hoping that each time we practice counting I can put a new item out and that will get him excited about it!
Other ideas to yous as counters:
  • rocks from your yard
  • little dinosaurs
  • coins
  • office supplies
  • erasers


  1. I had made some counting cards for RockerTot not so long ago. I like the idea of using the foam (but I was out of it anyway.. gotta get some more). I made mine to fit poker chips (which we had in a card set we were given), but I love the idea of switching the objects to be counted. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea!

  2. good idea, I have those same foam papers. I just might make this for the girls today.

  3. This is a fantastic idea. Adding to my to-do list for tonight. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love it! Got to try it! Thanks!

  5. What a wonderful idea! I made my daughter a set of these to use with rocks (she loves rocks) and they are a big hit!

  6. I am making these in a minute for my three year old. I know we'll have fun playing the number game. Thank you for the great idea (the foam papers are a brilliant idea!). =)


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