Monday, June 8, 2009

New Homemade Toy

My sister was cutting down the trees in her back yard and I asked if she could cut off a couple of rounds for me. When she asked why I explained what I wanted to do. To my surprise she gave me these today! She took my idea and just completed the whole project for me! Aren't they cool!First she sanded them to make them smooth and then she sprayed them with some kind of varnish and hammered nails in them. She found a huge bag of rubber bands at the dollar store and portioned out some for me:) Caden really liked the activity. He had trouble at first but once he got the hang of it he really went to town. I wanted to get a picture of his work but I was nursing while he was working on it and he took it apart before I finished:)

This is a great activity for building fine motor skills and for talking about shapes and patterns.


  1. I love this activity. I am going to use it with my group of special needs kids. Thanks.


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