Monday, June 8, 2009

My favorite time of day!

So sweet when they are all asleep! This was nap time today. In the first picture Drake is wearing his new cloth diapers that Grandpa Drake (He's named after him) bought him! They are bumpkins brand but he got them for a great deal on! They are so good it's like I'm using disposables! Love it!


  1. Cute! We used cloth diapers as well, but I used the Motherease fitteds and a rubber cover. Once you get used to the washing, it really isn't much different than disposables, and so my cheaper! We did try the Bumpkin covers for the fitteds at one point, but the velcro was really scratchy on their legs. How does your little one like them?

  2. Both of the youngest use them and they love them! I haven't had any trouble with scratching? Maybe this is a new design?


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