Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Color Cars!

Remember this? We often use it and Caden enjoys the cloths pins but this last time when I got it out he didn't even want to try:( I thought that was a bummer so I asked if he wanted to drive cars on it? He was very excited about that. We got out his cars and he went right to work. I didn't have to give him any direction at all! He would dig around in the bucket looking for certain colors and then drive them and park them, complete with sound effects {see video}! This was one of those experiences that reminds me of two things: 1-play to their interests and 2-find new ways to use materials you have so they don't go to waste:) P. S. We don't have a pink car:)


  1. wow great activity! I definitely want to try this :)

  2. Hi - not sure how I came upon your blog...I'm also a teaching kind of momma (to a boy.) You certainly have your hands full! If you're looking for new learning ideas, last year (when my son was 3ish) I did a lot of intentional preschool/Montessori type stuff with him.


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