Monday, June 29, 2009

Bitty Busy Book Update!

Hoo-ray!!! The Bitty Busy Book kept Drake Happy for an HOUR of church! He cried again when I had to take it away! I wanted to show some pictures of Drake playing with his favorite pages at home. I've been saving for church only but he got it out of the diaper bag and I didn't have the heart to say no:) The magnet maze is a big hit. He mostly likes to feel the pull of the magnet and likes to try it out on other things (that's why I put it next to the lock and key page), however this Sunday he dragged the ball bearing to the red dot and then looked up at me with a proud smile:)
He has only gotten the key in the whole so far but he sure loves to try it over and over!

Last is his absolute favorite page! The Buckles! I probably unsnapped them a million times just so he could snap them back! If I wasn't paying attention he would say "elp mama" (Help:)

If anyone is thinking of making their own busy book, I have some ideas for older kids too! I'm in the process of designing the "Baby Busy Book" Jack is going to be needing one soon:) If anyone wants Ideas or help just leave a comment and I'll email you back:)


  1. you just amaze me with all the things you do and make. I wish I had your motivation!

  2. I would love some instructions. I have a just barely 2 yr. old and a little one that turns 1 next week. The buckles would be right up my 2 yr. old's ally!


  3. I would love some help in making a book. Please email me with any tips or suggestions.

    kimmymp @ (no spaces)

  4. I would love ideas and tips to make one of your busy books...I have 4 kiddos...7,5,2,8mo. Always looking for something to keep them occupied at church and for quiet times. Thanks!

  5. I have an idea. Post instructions on your blog. It looks like there is enough interest.
    I have a 3 year old and a 22 month old who NEEDS something like this for church.
    I can sew in a straight line but need some basic direction as to how to not make it look too 'homemade.'

    I love your books and your ideas!

    Does it take a while to do?
    Can you at least list the materials needed?

    Great ideas and would love to hear more!

    sharonsaad at gmail dot com

  6. WOW! I subscribe to your blog and I really really enjoy your work. Thank you for sharing your life, ideas and experiences with us. My son is a very busy 2 year old and I'm expecing a girl in early August. Your ideas for busy books are terrific. I would love to hear your suggestions for older children
    susanseiler @ gmail dot com

  7. I would love to get more info on how to make a busy book. I don't see an email contact on your blog - so I am hoping you get this message this way. I am serious. Another Sunday has gone by and I NEED a busy book!
    sharonsaad at gmail dot com

  8. Hi, I just found your blog recently, and I am in awe of your creativity and your awesome ideas in teaching and entertaining children! I wish I had half the ideas you have. My son just LOVES, LOVES, LOVES the website you had mentioned. I'd love to get some ideas on how to make a busy book for him. He's 3-1/2, and I am trying to modify some of your ideas for him. Thank you for your blog! I love reading all of it! ~ingrid (

  9. Thanks for the fun ideas. I too would love more info and ideas for quietbooks. Thanks!

  10. Hi, I just found out about this busy book from your blog today! Would love to have ideas and more info on how to make a busy book. My chilren are 2 and 1 yr old


  11. Love this son is 3 years old. I think this book would be fun while in the car. Please email me ideas and instructions. Thanks so much.

  12. Hi, I have a 20 month old who LOVES buckles. We are going to be taking an international trip in the Fall and I really wanted to get a book like the one you made. I would love to either buy one from you or get some instructions on how you made yours. Please contact me when you have time! Thanks so much for sharing your great idea!

    Blessings, Hannah

  13. Hi love your blog! Please email these inductions at I have a1 yr old and a2 yr old that I would love to keep entertained in church

  14. I have a nine month old and three yer old. any ideas would be amazing as we have a 12 hour flight coming up soon!

  15. I have a nine month old and three yer old. any ideas would be amazing as we have a 12 hour flight coming up soon!

  16. You have such wonderful activities! I have been a preschool teacher for 4 years and am currently pregnant with my first child! I am following your blog so I can try some of these activities too!

  17. hi there,

    i have been wanting to make one of these since I was pregnant - and now my little one is 20 months. do you have something you could please email me?


  18. Hi! I love the idea of a bitty book for church. my Patrick is 8 months old now, but has a surprising attention span. how do I make one?


  19. This is such a good idea.
    I have two little ones at home. A three year old and a ten month old. I would love to hear more of your ideas on a book to entertain each of my girls.
    I don't own a showing machine. I'll enclisecmy email. So any info you can send my way I will appreciate and find helpful.
    ehaircare11 at gmail dot com


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