Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bad Mommy Confession!

My chores were piling up and I desperately needed to clean! Whenever I try to clean it takes me 3 times as long as it should because I am interrupted by the boys so much! I've tried to put a movie on so that I can clean but the create mayhem while they watch it! Today i had the extra playpen in the living room(along with a whole bunch of Junk) and I got this brain storm! I put the boys' little sofa chairs in it so that they had to stay in place for the whole movie:( I felt bad at first but by the end of the movie the whole down stairs was clean!!!!! That never happens!!! I'm going to save this little trick for when I am really desperate for some cleaning to get done. I feel better now that I have confessed:)
I love how they put their feet up:)


  1. Don't feel bad! Us Mom's got to do what we got to do sometimes. Great idea! I have 1 boy, I can't imagine two...twice the energy level!

  2. Wow I am impressed they stayed in there and didn't climb out!!


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