Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby Shower

I didn't really Co-host, I was more of an assistant:) I thought I would show some of the Crafty ideas from the party!

Misty Put the Drinks in the sink full of ice:)

this is a mobile that Misty made to hang above the crib

The Mommy to Be

The Cake that The Mommy to Be made

Z for Zoey, the baby

This picture does not do these wooden letters justice!! Misty used Martha Stewart Glitter and it looked so beautiful! The was a decoration for the party and for the babys room


This is the game I came up with for the party. We split in to three teams and took turns picking which category and which point value. I had questions on the back of each card but instead of the team answering we had The Mommy to Be answer them! It was so much Fun!! If she got it right then the team got the points and if she got it wrong then the team had a chance to answer it right for half points! Everyone seemed to really like it:)

Misty made these adorable pens and everyone wrote a wish for Zoey and we put them in an album

This center piece was bead flowers made by Misty

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I never new Misty was so crafty! Everything she made was beautiful and cute. She is more than welcome to do my baby shower, haha. Your sister has gotten so big since I saw her last, it's amazing how fast those babies can grow! When is she due again?
    PS. YOU LOOK AMAZING as well! Can't even tell you have had THREE babies and THREE c-sections! Hot Stuff!


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