Monday, May 11, 2009

The Number 7

I couldn't think of anything to go with the number seven so I had to improvise. I started by showing all four kids the shaving cream can. They loved watching it come out of the can. I decided to show them how to write in the cream. They loved watching me write the number seven and then make it "disappear"! Caden and Drake played for about 15 minute and then wanted to be done. They have a wired thing about getting messy:) Patricia stayed at the table for an hour!!!! I couldn't believe it. By the time she was done all of the shaving cream had soaked in to her skin:) P.S. the trays I used are baking sheet lids:)

1 comment:

  1. My kids don't like getting messy either - or rather they don't like staying messy, they have less of a problem getting there. It's definitely convenient sometimes, but a little odd for toddlers...


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