Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Number 6 and Streching Snack!

For the number 6 my sister planned Dice! She found a 24 pack of these eraser dice at the dollar store. The kids loved them! Misty also drew a 6 on each of their plates and let them practice:)
Caden liked stacking them up ( ignore the girly clip in his hair). I like that we are talking about a number but we are also practicing other skills.
Misty also did a fun snack. She bought a pack of white shoe laces and gave each of the kids one of them to lace cheerios with. The kids loved it and it made snack time last a long time.

1 comment:

  1. I take string and a sack of cheerios for each of my 3 kids when we go to the doctor's office - usually keeps them occupied and away from the sick kid toys.


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