Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Preschool Days!!

Me and My sister have been wanting to do this for so long but since we were both expecting babies at the same time we wanted to wait till they were born and we were both settled in to our new families. Today will be our first day of "preschool". We will be taking turns planning and implementing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our schedule will start when the kids wake up from their naps at 2:00pm and the schedule will go as follows.

2:00 Lunch
2:30 Circle Time
  • 3 finger play songs
  • 1 CD song
  • 1 book
3:00 Table Time
  • 1 educational activity
3:15 Planning Time
  • plan one thing that they will do during free play time
3:20 Free Play Time

This is the plan for now but we will see how it goes and tweak it where we need to. The basic outline is mimicked after my old preschool schedule. I'll be posting on Wednesdays and Fridays! I'll let you know how it goes:)


  1. I have been reading your blog for a short while. I do a neighborhood co-op that works fairly well. I look forward to seeing how this system works for you guys!

  2. Oh I'm so excited!!! This is going to be fantastic!
    The more specific you are the better off I am :-)


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