Thursday, April 30, 2009


I started this Table Time by asking all of the kids to hold up one hand. I asked them to wiggle those fingers and then to open and close their hands (Attention getter). I then held up my hand and we counted my fingers one at a time. We opened and closed or hands repeating "5!" every time, they loved this part! We then traced each one of their hands on their paper and counted the paper hand's fingers. after they finished counting the fingers I wrote a big 5 in the middle of the hand. The last step was letting them try to trace their own hand. They really did try hard! Next time I will use fat crayons:) Less mess:) I really think that this helped all of them understand the concept of numbers a little better.
After they finished coloring we had gold fish for snack. they all counted with me as I put five fish in each cup. I then gave them each a pile of fish and they had fun eating and counting them!


  1. Hey! I was wondering if you would blog about one of your favorite products? I left a request for a product review for you on my blog.

  2. I had to add that I also left you an award: I left you an award at my blog:


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