Sunday, March 15, 2009

More Muffin Tin Fun!

This is another idea I've been holding on to for summer time. I wanted to wait for a nice hot day and bring out a bunch of colored ice cubes to play with. I was getting the boys ready for a bath and I thought, "Hey, why not toss some in the tub!". I put six muffin tin ice cubes in the water and the boys loved it. The ice immediately started melting and the colors started swirling in the water. The boys had so much fun fishing the ice out of the water and having it slip away. It was also a great opportunity to talk about colors, melting, warm and cold. Warning: the water in the tub will be a funky brown by the end of the bath:) I've got a gallon sized zip lock bag of them made up in my freezer, ready for the next hot day or warm bath:)
To Make: Fill the muffin tin with water and add a drop or to of food coloring to each muffin hole. I did this with Caden and he really enjoyed watching the colors appear.


  1. What a cute idea!!!!I'll be stealing this one and trying it with my toddler tonight

  2. Hi! I gave you an award, click here to see it:

  3. What a fun idea! I am going to have to save this one!

  4. And what a great way too cool down a too hot tub.

  5. Great idea!!!!!

    Have you thought of putting little toys or anything inside the ice cube? I have little fish I might toss in mine!

  6. We do this at nursery school in the sensory table. It's so fun. We sometimes give the kids thin gloves to wear and we give them ice to play with.

    When my own kids were small I made large ice shapes out of mixing bowls, some colored, some not. Then I put them in the wading pool with some water. Sometimes I froze toys inside the ice and gave them squeeze bottles with warm water so they could melt the ice.

    Anyway, totally fun and you got a great picture!

  7. I just did this, thanks to you! Love it!

  8. Hi,

    I did this at our Family Centre and the kids hands got terribly dyed with food colouring. Any tips to prevent this from happening?


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