Sunday, March 29, 2009

Jack Attack!

This is my newest little boy, Jack. Everything went perfectly and we are already home and loving it. The boys are adjusting nicely so far. Drake doesn't like to see me nurse:) He pulls down my shirt and says "No".
I thought I would share what I did to prepare the boys for Jacks arrival in case anyone else is or will be in a similar situation.
Since words are lost on young ones I got out a baby doll and all of the gear to introduce the idea of a baby. I showed them how I would change the baby, nurse the baby, dress the baby, and how they would hold the baby with a pillow on their lap. It also gave them the opportunity to learn where not to touch the baby (eyes and mouth). It was a great time to talk about gentle touch with out endangering a real baby. This worked so well for the boys that I plan on doing it before every baby.
I'm off to rest now:)


  1. Blessings to your family and your newest precious tiny-boy! Congratulations!!! If your little guys are anything like mine, they will be so thrilled to help out with baby brother. (I have 3 boys)

  2. Oh he is just gorgeous!!! Sending you love xx

  3. Gorgeous baby! I love the way you explained to your kids about the new baby, great idea.

    My daughter didn't like to see me nurse her newborn brother either, but she got used to it after a couple weeks.

  4. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy!

  5. Congratulations on your new addition!!! He is adorable!

  6. Congratulations!! He is beautiful, and I love the name Jack.

  7. Congratulations!! We have three girls - so, so fun!!

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for two awards on my blog.

    Congrats again - here's hoping that he sleeps and eats well!!


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