Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Green Smoothies

Don't let the looks deceive you! You can't even taste the spinach!
I want this blog to be about more then just activities so I am going to share a tip on nutrition! It's getting warm here (Arizona) so we have started making our smoothies again! The most important part of our smoothies is the green stuff! Spinach! The smoothie above is:

2 fresh pineapple spears
1 nectarine
3 spoons of apple sauce(unsweetened)
5 frozen strawberries
1 handful of blue berries
3 generous handful of spinach!
A little cold water to get it flowing (a very little bit!)

This is not a recipe I repeat every day or ever. It is simply what was on sale and what I had left in my fridge. This made 36 ounces and the boys each had two 9 nine ounce glasses!!! Do the math and you'll see that there was none left!

Another great thing about making this for breakfast was that Caden got to be totally involved. We counted out fruit and he got to pluck them in one at a time. We also talked about colors and how good these things were for our bodies. He loved it and I didn't have to hear him whining for his breakfast! If you want a real recipe just search online using "Green smoothie" in the search bar. There are so many recipes out there.


  1. That is wonderful - I love the picture.

    Green smoothies rock!!!


    PS... I'm in AZ, too :)

  2. we drink these almost every day! my 2yo loves them and my 10mo does too!!


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