Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bowling Bottles!

I can't even begin to tell you how much fun Caden had with this activity! My husband had bought a six pack of Diet Dr. Pepper bottles and when I looked at them I thought of bowling pins. I decided to make three primary colored bowling pins! All it is water and food coloring but I might add some glitter! I'm sure the idea of using bottles for bowling is not a new concept to most but I loved the colors! I drew three matching circles on the side walk with chalk so that Caden new just how to set them back up. It made it so much better. I plan to use the other three bottles to make green, orange, and purple and then make a matching mat for Caden to set them up on. The bottles looked so pretty in the sun too!
The ball I used was a rubber band ball that Nate made when he was a kid! Too much Fun!


  1. That looks fun! I just discovered your blog through Adventures of a Flake and have had fun looking around! Our little guy is 15 months old.

  2. And then when you are done you can play color mixing with the colored water. Too fun!

    I bought on of those plastic bowling sets at a yard sale once. BIG waste of money. My kids never used it but they love bowling soda bottles.

  3. You always have such colourful ideas!


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