Monday, March 9, 2009

Alone With 4 Toddlers!!!

Help! Just Kidding. My sister just had her baby and I have her two twin toddler girls! I've had them here since Saturday morning and will still have them till Tuesday night! Here's some of the ways I have been handling it...

Couch Time: Twice a day I have them clean up the toys and then sit on the couch with books. They read books so that I can get some of my chores done and get their next meal ready. They aren't aloud to get off the couch till I say so. It's the only way I have gotten anything done!

Long Walks: I put Drake in the umbrella stroller and then let the three older toddlers walk holding the straps. It was great to be able to walk without holding any hands. This was only a half mile walk but it took us an hour because we looked at flowers, colors, letters, animals and all sorts of other things. They loved it and they were nice and tired for bed time!

Indoor Playground: While the kids were having couch time I cleared of the living room carpet and put some outside toys on it(fold out slide, trike, push toys, dump truck, balance beam, and cars) The kids loved the change and played for a good hour and a half.

That's all for now:) I probably won't post again till they are gone:)

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