Friday, February 27, 2009

The "Strap"

I made this strap for Caden because I wanted him to start walking to the park to get some more exercise. It works Great!! I made it so that it can tie on the stroller or a shopping cart and I even tie it on my diaper bag so when we walk around the store he is right there with me. Caden loves it because he doesn't like holding my hand but this gives him just enough independence while allowing me to keep him close and my hands free. Pushing the stroller is also a lot easier when I'm not holding a toddlers hand.

If anyone wants the very simple directions on how to make it, here they are:

  • Decide how long you want your strap and then cut a 4 inch wide strip.
  • Fold the fabric in half length wise, inside out.
  • Sew along the edge with a strait stitch
  • Turn the whole strap right side out
  • Fold the bottom of the strap up three or four inches to make the loop for the child to hold
  • Sew back and forth several times with a zig zag stitch so that it is strong!
  • On the other end of the strap I sewed back and forth several times and then used pretty yarn to make two braids for the tie on:)

If anyone wants more details or pictures of how to do it let me know. I am a total sewing armature and I taught myself so I have no idea how to explain it:)

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm going to whip up a few of these today. I always need something like this, especially at the grocery store.


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