Thursday, February 26, 2009

Puzzles and No Sleep!

Towards the end of my pregnancies I get insomnia every time. Last night was the first time of this pregnancy and it lasted until 3:30 am!!!! I watched online TV while doing this little project. I bought a big bag of wood blocks at my thrift store for 2 dollars. I used a couple to make these little two sided puzzles. My sister saw them and loved them so much that I just gave them to her this morning.


  1. Oooh, I like that. My kids are too old for it, but I think I'll make it for my nephew. Too cute!

  2. What a cute idea! My thrift store never seems to have anything cool. :) Sorry you can't sleep. It always seems ironic to me that, just as you're getting ready to bring a new baby into your life who's not going to let you get much sleep, you get some uncomfortable that you can't sleep anymore even before they arrive!

  3. Wow, I love these block puzzles! So simple and yet so genius! If you have any interest in selling a couple, I'd be interested in buying them!


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