Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Journaling For the Youngest!

Last Summer we went on a vacation with family and Grandma couldn't come with us :( She got each of the children one of theses composition journals and a box of crayons to draw with on the trip. Both of the boys were to young for it at the time but she was thoughtful and got them some anyway. About a month later I was letting Caden color and I thought "Why not let him draw in that Journal!" I put both of the boy's names on the front and now every once in awhile I take them out for them to color in. I always write their name on the page because one day they will be instructed to do that themselves and it will be fun to see the progression over the years. I also put the date on the page for obvious reasons. I only get out the journals every once in a while because I want it to be like a little sampling of their work at different stages instead of getting filled with scribbles in one week:)

Sometimes we scribble...

I'm also traced their hands and feet...
And with Caden I've asked him questions and then wrote down the answers he gives... he told me what he was drawing and I labeled it for him:)

Other Journal ideas...
  • Draw a picture of your family
  • How do you feel today
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside
  • Write your favorite letters
  • Practice writing your name
  • After you have gone somewhere fun (zoo, museum, grandma's, park) have them write about it
  • Take a little survey each year asking the same questions and see how the answers change


  1. I like the idea of having all the scribbles contained in one book rather than on dozens of different sheets of paper all over the house.

    My 2 year old son is really into tracing his hands right now. He traced his hand on the back of my husband's birthday card recently and I think it will be so fun to look at that in 10 or 15 years and be shocked by how little my son once was.

  2. Fantastic idea!!! I think I will make such a book to for my little children, much better than all these flying slips of paper. Very nice idea also to trace hands and feet ;-)

  3. My mom would often do this, where she asked me about my art and wrote it on the back. I still have many of these and love the way my brain worked when I was little.


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