Friday, February 20, 2009

In Our Sensory Tub Today

Drake loved the sensory tub today! I put dry black beans and metal measuring cups. He literally played for an hour this morning and then again in the afternoon! The feeling of the beans is so cool and the metal measuring cups made beautiful sounds. I was playing too and I discovered that if you trickle beans on to different sized cups they would make different tones. It was very cool and I'm sure an older child would think it was neat. Also notice the position of the blanket he's on. My sister had the brilliant idea to have the tub on a blanket and put the main part of the blanket on Drake's side. Now when we are done I can just pick up the blanket and pour any spilt beans back in to the tub. Happy Playing!


  1. I once saw a posting from a lady who had a sensory bucket big enough to let her son sit in (He had some major sensory disorder). I wish I would have thought of something like that for Gabe when he was little.

  2. Question, what do you do with all of those beans when you switch tubs?


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