Monday, February 9, 2009

How to Pick Out Library Books

I was at my sister's house the other day and Caden was pointing out letters on a book she was looking at and she asked me how I got him to learn all of his letters already. I told her my biggest tool is the Public Library! My Library is wonderful! They have a section of Alphabet books and a section of Counting books. Every time I go to the Library I select 2 Alphabet books, 2 Counting books, and then I select "Just for fun books" according to whatever Caden is interested in at the time. We've made reading a nightly ritual in our home so Caden and Drake expect it every night before bed. I cuddle them both up in my lap and we read the book and talk about the pictures. He has some all time favorites but I still give them back to the library each time we go (instead of renewing them) because then when we go back to pick it again it is even more exciting! Here is the series of his favorite counting books:

These are really fun books because you can sing them and there are numbers hidden on each page. They are great for younger children who can't sit still for books because they are more likely to listen if you are singing.

This is Caden's favorite Alphabet book as of right now:

He loves when the parents come home and see all of the naughty things that the monkeys have done.

So get to your Library! Happy Reading!


  1. I totally agree with you! My son Caden turned 2 in Dec. and he knows his alphabet and 1-5. We do the exact same ritual, every night we read books and go to story time at least 2 times a week. You are so right it is so fun to get new books every week and plus it is FREEE! Oh, and thanks for the favorite books we will defiantly have to check those out next time!:)

  2. I love when I find a blog of another mom who frequents the library. I am going to look for these book suggestions.

  3. Thanks for some great ideas. Stickers which include lower case letters would be better for learning names. Easier to download some lower case stickers for making your own stickers.

  4. Thanks for some great ideas. Stickers which include lower case letters would be best for learning their names. You could always download some lower case letters and make your own stickers :)


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