Thursday, February 26, 2009

Addition to the Sensory Tub

My two beautiful twin nieces (2 1/2 years old) came over to play today and I loved every minute of it! They loved the sensory bucket and the beans were a huge hit. I know my nieces like to pretend to cook so I brought out our little pretend pots and utensils and they were an enormous hit! The girls played for over an hour until I had to put it away because Drake couldn't control himself:) He kept climbing in to the bucket and trying to kick all the beans out???? Boys! I think any kind play dishes would have been fun!


  1. I often give Sweet Terror a cupful of kidney beans to use in her play kitchen. She loves stirring them and making "soup"

  2. I was looking at the price of those sensory tables online and was amazed how expensive they are! But they look so simple to make. I found this DIY project to create the stand from PVC pipes. I suppose Lowes or Home Depot could cut the pipes for you. I might try.


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