Friday, January 23, 2009

Real Life Helpers!

Toddlers Love to help and Caden is no exception! He jumps at the opportunity to do what ever me or Nate are doing. Sometimes he makes it longer and harder to get the job done but he learns a lot and it makes him feel special and needed. Both very important for building his self esteem up! Below are pictures from his first time "helping" daddy fix the car! There wasn't very much he could do but he did get to hold the drill and work out those finger muscles! Nate showed him a hole he could drill into (there was no bit in the drill).
His first "dirty working hands"
Here is a little list of ideas to involve your child in your chores!

  • Put a basket next to them and hand them one toy at a time so that they can put it in. Sing a cleanup song while you're at it!

  • Helping scoop out the dog food
  • Putting clothes int the washer or to the dryer
    Cleaning up toys
  • Give them a spray bottle of water and a clean sponge and let them give their toys a good scrubbing!
  • Carrying things, when we get home from a big shopping trip at Costco Caden carries all of the wipes, diapers, and pull-ups up the stairs to the closet one pack at a time! He is exhausted by the end of it.
  • "Can you take this to..." the garbage, to daddy, to the closet.
  • "Can you get the..." tissue, diaper, toy for baby brother.
  • Vacuuming up cheerios with the vacuum hose. SUPERVISION!! This is Caden's favorite.

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