Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More Sorting Fun!

I made this mat for Caden to sort things of different colors. In the first picture he is sorting little cats and dogs. He liked it and had a lot of success but after a little while he just put them all over the mat and then back in his little cup.
We used it again with Caden's cars. I got one of each color and asked Caden to "park" them on the matching color. He loved driving them on to the mat and making screeching sounds when they would stop. I didn't get a picture when we were doing it together but later Caden got it off the table and did it all by himself so I snapped a quick picture!

This mat is so easy to make! I just cut out 6 circles in the rainbow colors and glued them on a sheet of paper then onto construction paper (to make it stiffer) then I laminated it. I've already said that I hate wasting laminating sheets so there is a different activity on the back! I'll share that one later!

Happy Playing!


  1. What a great blog! You are so creative! I also love your title and how you explained it. You're so right - children are always working and learning! Their work is so different than our work because they're working to create themselves. I can't wait to keep reading! :)


  2. This is awesome!!!! I can't wait to steal ideas from you. I have been wanting to make a quiet book for a long time now. Your ideas are really great.

    I also got a laminating machine for christmas, so keep the laminating ideas coming!


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