Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mmmmm Doughnuts!

Sorry not the real ones:) This is a fun song/game that I learned from my awesome mentor at the preschool, Patty Schnupp. I miss her:( This is a great game to practice colors, counting, writing, taking turns and following directions!

The game requires these 10 colored doughnuts that you can make out of anything. I made these with construction paper and then laminated them but you could use card stock or that craft foam or whatever:) I wrote the names of the colors on mine because in the future I plan to have my kids go write the names of the colors they collected after the game is done.

Here are the song lyrics:

"Down around the corner at the bakery shop,
There were (#) little doughnuts with sugar on top!
Along came (Name) all alone,
And he took the (Color) one home!"

The child you call would then run to pick up that colored doughnut. Caden sometimes isn't sure which color is which so I help him out but he is getting so good that I rarely have to help. This game can be played with 1 to any number of kids. I played it in my church class with 5 year old children and they loved it!
Caden wasn't awake but I needed a video so you could hear the tune, so my wonderful husband Nate stepped in:) Enjoy!

For younger children start with just three colors that they know

For older children try learning the sign language for the colors and then only give them the sign when you sing the color part. This was a big hit at the preschool.


  1. Great idea and the video makes me smile. A lot! Could you perhaps link me to your other blog please, I have no idea how I got to this one, but I love it!

  2. So I FINALLY did one of the many projects of yours that I wanted to do for my girls.

    I made it last night, and introduced it this morning, and it has been a BIG hit. I have a 2 year old and a 3 year old, and we've played this game 4 times today. My husband and I are fluent in ASL so I threw in the signs and also asked them what letters spell out the color. I can't wait to finish another project inspired by YOU! Thanks again for all your great ideas!

  3. What a cute song. Can't wait to try this one out during a music time.


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