A variation of this game is using shapes drawn in different colors. Draw 5 or six shapes in the same pattern as the circles above. Then say things like "Run to the red square!" "Jump on the Yellow Triangle" "Sit on the Blue circle". It's a great way to practice shapes, colors, following directions, and coordination!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Get Moving Outside!
A variation of this game is using shapes drawn in different colors. Draw 5 or six shapes in the same pattern as the circles above. Then say things like "Run to the red square!" "Jump on the Yellow Triangle" "Sit on the Blue circle". It's a great way to practice shapes, colors, following directions, and coordination!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Make Your Own Balance Beam!
So here's how I made mine:
I went to home Depot and bought a board. I had them cut one 5 foot piece and two 9 inch pieces.
Then I bought four of these things? I don't know what they are called but they are with the roofing stuff:) I screwed the two nine inch piece to either end using the "thingies" and I was done! The whole thing cost me like five bucks!
This is Caden the first day I made it. Daddy had to help but now he walks it like a pro! He also drives his cars on it!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Don't Throw It Out!
Fruit Salad, Yummm!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Weather Wheel!
- On one side put the degrees and then have them read an out door thermometer and record the temperature on the chart
- On the other side you could add: windy, snowy, hailing, sprinkle, down pour, blizzard...! Or whatever:)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Under construction!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Real Life Helpers!
- Put a basket next to them and hand them one toy at a time so that they can put it in. Sing a cleanup song while you're at it!
- Helping scoop out the dog food
- Putting clothes int the washer or to the dryer
Cleaning up toys - Give them a spray bottle of water and a clean sponge and let them give their toys a good scrubbing!
- Carrying things, when we get home from a big shopping trip at Costco Caden carries all of the wipes, diapers, and pull-ups up the stairs to the closet one pack at a time! He is exhausted by the end of it.
- "Can you take this to..." the garbage, to daddy, to the closet.
- "Can you get the..." tissue, diaper, toy for baby brother.
- Vacuuming up cheerios with the vacuum hose. SUPERVISION!! This is Caden's favorite.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pound It Out 2!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I got my cutters at Joann's with a 50 percent off coupon:) Here's a link.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Boo Boo Fixer!
- A patient (stuffed toy or baby doll)
- Cotton balls
- Fake bandaids, made from strips of fabric
- Real bandaids, The really cheap kind
- Fake thermometer made from a popsicle stick
- A stethoscope that I got from the hospital when Caden was born!
- Squirt bottle for cleaning
- Pillow and blanket, I made mine from leftover terry cloth
- Gauze, cut in to manageable strips
P.S. The station is actually a tool bench that I use as the pretend table and it changes to lots of things. Every time I change it I will post about the new pretend activity!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Painting Fun!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Ears, Chest!
As you are saying the chant, touch the body parts and at the end turn around and freeze in a position that the child then imitates! If you have more then one child to play you can say their names at the end instead of "so" and then everyone freezes like the person you named!
I've collected a lot of songs over the years:) so you can expect more over the coarse of this blog! I love songs because they are a fun and effective way to get kids moving and learning! They can also be easily adapted to almost any age! I've got some really great one's for babies that I will be posting soon.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Bean Bag Feely Game!
Aren't they cute!!! I wanted to make bean bags that were smaller for little hands and I had tons of little scraps from other projects. I decided to make them in to a texture game as well. Before I I let Caden play with the target board I had him find the Bean bags that were the same and we talked about how each pair felt. Then the real fun started! He started throwing them at the target and even got one in:) My little one Drake loved it even more then Caden. He stood at the little table and just kept on slipping them through the hole. I was sneaking them from behind back into his pile!
For older children: Put half of the bean bags in a cloth bag. Give the child a bean bag and then have them feel inside the bag without looking to see if they can feel for the correct bean bag.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Mmmmm Doughnuts!
The game requires these 10 colored doughnuts that you can make out of anything. I made these with construction paper and then laminated them but you could use card stock or that craft foam or whatever:) I wrote the names of the colors on mine because in the future I plan to have my kids go write the names of the colors they collected after the game is done.
Here are the song lyrics:
The child you call would then run to pick up that colored doughnut. Caden sometimes isn't sure which color is which so I help him out but he is getting so good that I rarely have to help. This game can be played with 1 to any number of kids. I played it in my church class with 5 year old children and they loved it!
Caden wasn't awake but I needed a video so you could hear the tune, so my wonderful husband Nate stepped in:) Enjoy!
For younger children start with just three colors that they know
For older children try learning the sign language for the colors and then only give them the sign when you sing the color part. This was a big hit at the preschool.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Pound It Out!
Friday, January 9, 2009
An Oldie But a Goodie :)
I've been tying to think of ways to get Caden running while we have our daily outside time but all of the ways I have thought of involve me running too(ie Tag)! Being that I am 7 months pregnant, my running stints don't last very long:) Enter Red Light Green light! I remember this game as a kid and I was trying to think of how to adapt it so that Caden would understand my directions. He doesn't understand the lights but he does understand "Stop" and "Go". SO I made these paddles.
How to play: Have your child or children stand a good distance away from you. We started with 10 feet and then made it further once he understood the game. Hold up the stop sign first and then switch to the go sign and encourage them to run as fast as they can towards you. Alternate the signs until they reach you (and tackle your legs if they are like my son).
To Make the Signs: I wrote "Stop" on red paper(octagon) and "Go" on green paper(circle) then mounted them on a sheet of black construction paper and laminated them. I then took Popsicle sticks and hot glued them on the the back. If you don't have a laminator you could paint card board.
The best part is that I got to stand still and he got tired!! Whoo-Hoo!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Toddler Science!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Easy Beading!
More Sorting Fun!
This mat is so easy to make! I just cut out 6 circles in the rainbow colors and glued them on a sheet of paper then onto construction paper (to make it stiffer) then I laminated it. I've already said that I hate wasting laminating sheets so there is a different activity on the back! I'll share that one later!
Happy Playing!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Wheel of learning:)
I laminated this wheel so that it would last a long time and I HATE wasting laminating sheets so I needed to think of something for the back as well! In comes the counting side! The idea is to count the stars and then fine the clothes pin with that number on it! I didn't plan to use this with Caden for a while but he seemed interested so we did it together. We counted together, found the right clothes pin, and then he attached it. It was great counting practice.
I plan on starting an Etsy shop but I want to see if there would be an interest. Is there anyone out there who would want one of these for their child?
Busy Book for Busy Hands
I created this book (almost completely from scraps!) for my son to use during church meetings and tried it out for the first time this Sunday. It worked great! It kept him happy and quiet for about 30 minutes! That's about 5 times longer then anything eles I've tried:)
I wanted it to keep him entertained but I also wanted it to educate him. I'll go through each page and tell you how I tried to do that.
The Cover
The first page is a shape matching game. I sewed the outline of each shape and then made felt shapes to match. The little pocket is to hold the shapes.
The second page was Caden's(my oldest) favorite. All of the animals at the top are also "hiding" in the "grass". Caden loved running his fingers through it to find the animals and we practiced matching colors.
The third page is buttoning flowers. This is the only idea that is not of my own little mind! I saw it at church one day and stored it in my memory bank for later. The flower pot is a pocket and the flowers all have buttons or button hole. The children has to match up the flowers to the correct color and then button them.
The forth page is a lift the flap counting game. Every flap as something fun to count. The crayon were Caden's favorite!
The fifth and sixth page were a huge hit! This is a great page to practice those fine motor skills! They are all pretty self explanatory but I will tell you that the little pocket has a tiny set of keys in it:)